Email templates and Notifications

Why email notification is not working ?

1659 views July 21, 2018 July 23, 2018 Chimp 1

Most of the time emails are not working because of wrong configuration on your site.

If emails are not working on your site than Follow these steps

  • You can use wp-mail function to send emails by turning off smtp under Dashboard / Foodbakery settings / smtp settings.
  • Some time your server does not support wp-mail function. Then alternatively you can use smtp to send emails. For this you need to ask your hosting service does SMTP username and password are set for your site? If SMTP pass and user are set then you need to install this plugin : (or similar one) and there set these parameters (smtp settings) and check if you received any email in inbox. If there is no test email, you need to ask your hosting provider to fix email issue for you.
  • Once email will start working please add the configurations in Dashboard / Foodbakery Settings / smtp settings and emails will start working.
  • Don’t forget to turn off “Enable Debugging”.