How to Activate purchase code on Foodbakery theme ?

139 views June 22, 2022 June 22, 2022 Chimp 0

As per Envato Regular License policy, purchased license code can be used on single domain only. Purchase code activation is required to use premium features given in theme. For that, Right after Theme and Plugins successful activation navigate :

Dashboard / FoodBakery Settings / Verification

to get the purchase code activated here. Enter purchase code in the field and hit verify button to get registered : Locate purchase code here.

Incase you see this notice while verification :

‘The purchase code is being used on another site….’

You need to de-register your purchase code from the older domain. After de-register it will allow to verify your purchase code to continue using theme features. Feel free to contact support incase you need any help here : Chimpstudio Support

Once purchase code will be verified, De-register purchase code button will appear on top right corner in the same section, incase you need to change your mind about the domain change or testing somewhere. After De-register you can use that purchase code on other site.

I hope you feel safe after getting secured!