“Schedule a Viewing” form is located on the property property detail page for you to request to arrange viewing for that particular property. Complete the popup form with full details of your property and your availability, as soon as it is complete, press send message button.
To Add Viewings in Real Estate theme navigate: Dashboard / Viewings / Add New Viewing
1: Select Property Member
2: Select Viewing Member
3: Select Status
How to add Viewings from frontend?
To Arrange Viewing form Front End, Navigate to Individual single Property Page.
1: Click” Arrange Viewing “option. to open popup form on real Estate site.
2: Fill up all required Details to send viewing.
-Select Schedule
-Select Time
-Write your Message
Click send message
After that, click “send message” button to send it. Admin can approve status from back end for successful confirmation of your viewing for Property.
To Approve From backend Navigate TO: Dashboard / Viewings
Click Edit and Change status from Pending to Completed if you want to Approve it.