API Settings

How to Generate Twitter API settings for Real Estate theme

671 views November 18, 2023 Chimp 0

How to Generate Twitter API Key, Consumer Token, Access Key for Twitter OAuth?

To make things straight, you have to create a Twitter application to generate Twitter API Keys, Access Token and secret keys and so on. To use Twitter counter widget and other Twitter related widgets, you need OAuth access keys. To get Twitter Access keys, you need to create Twitter Application which is mandatory to access Twitter.

Two codes obtained now lets Create Access Token for OAuth Click on KEYS and access tokens like following screenshot

    • Submit the form by clicking the Create your Twitter Application

  • Copy the consumer key (API key) and consumer secret from the screen to wp-admin / Wp Real Estate Manager/ settings / APi settings / twitter API setting.

Two codes obtained now lets Create Access Token for OAuth

Click on KEYS and access tokens like following screenshot


And click on generate my access token. Like below screen!
Copy following keys from above screen

  • Consumer key
  • Consumer secret
  • Access token
  • Access token secret

And copy them to: Wp Real Estate Manager/ Settings / API Settings / Twitter

And you have setup your twitter APP.