Some servers have a very low limit to PHP by default which can cause a blank screen. Fortuitously, increasing the memory limit to PHP is very simple and can be done with a small tweak in wp-config.php file.
Method #1 Edit your wp-config.php file
Step 1 Log into your cPanel
Step 2 Navigate to your WordPress installation and go to wp-config.php file. Click edit this file.
Step 3 Copy and paste the code below it into your wp-config.php file right before it says “That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging”:
WordPress memory can be different to the server – you need to set this regardless of server memory settings
Method #2 Edit your .htaccess file
Step 1 As usual, log into your cPanel
Step 2 Go to .htaccess file in your WordPress installation.
Step 3 Add the code below to it.
1.php_value memory_limit 256M
Method #3 Contact Your Support
If none of the above works then talk to your host. To have demo data as per live demo of theme, please make sure your server has following configurations in php.ini to avoid any issue while importing demo data.
PHP Version 5.6 or higher.
PHP.ini’s Post and memory configurations
- Server response time should be very very less to load site faster.
- upload_max_filesize = min 256M
- memory_limit = min 256M
- post_max_size = min 256M (For large data websites, post_max_size needs to be increased as per need.)
- max_input_time above 300
- max_input_vars above 5000
- max_execution_time = 300 or 0
- safe_mode=off
- allow_url_fopen= on
No firewall or strict permissions/cache on server to avoid any kind of hindrance.
– cURL Support should be enabled in php.ini
– Zip should be enabled in php.ini
– Json Support should be enabled in php.ini
– XML Support should be enabled in php.ini