How location Search works in Foodbakery Theme

3057 views June 5, 2018 July 23, 2018 Chimp 0

In this article, we will learn about how location search works in foodbakery theme.There are two types of searches in foodbakery theme.

Autocomplete Search – Google:

It matches the latitude and longitude of selected location and show restaurant results on the basis of radius. To make the autocomplete search work ,SSL should be installed on your site, google map API key should be added on your site.

  • You can add api key under Dashboard >> FoodBakery Setting >> API setting >> Add Google API key in Google+ section >> Save
  • May try this API key: AIzaSyCpluMF–WqauCdpcrmYy94-RfC17QmPAs OR Generate and get new Google API key from here:
  • Turn ON autocomplete search under Dashboard \ Foodbakery Settings \ Location settings \ Turn ON Autocomplete

Custom Search:

Custom search when you write the location, It matches the results and searches for the Like (same) strings added in any Country, State, city,town and complete address and display the result where it found exactly the same.