General Configurations

How to register and login via Buyer and restaurant user

1965 views November 2, 2023 November 24, 2023 Chimp 0

Via Restaurant User:

Enable user Registration:

First of all, you need to enable membership option from Dashboard / Settings / General / Membership / Check Anyone can register.

Enable Restaurant Registration:

To enable “Register Restaurant” button in menu navigate to: Dashboard / Foodbakery settings / General Options / Header Button

Now Press “Register Restaurant” button to Sign up as Restaurant user . Enter all required details and click the “Next” button to proceed to the next step.

Select Package of your choice and click “Next” button to proceed.

Enter all payment details and click the “Next” button to proceed.

Payment information leads you to checkout page for payment. Choose payment gateway of your choice to do with payments and All done!

Password will be sent to you on the email provided while signup!

Restaurant can use header signin button to login as restaurant .

Via Buyer User:

Buyer will sign up on the Food bakery site by adding the information requested in sign up form. .

  1. Click Login/ Register Button
  2. Click signup button
  3. Enter Username
  4. Enter Display Name
  5. Enter Your Email

Click on Sign Up button to get registered, password will be sent to you on the email provided while signup .Buyer can use header signin button to login as buyer . All Done!