Directorybox Single Listing Options

How to Customize Single listing page

838 views November 23, 2023 November 24, 2023 Chimp 0

Directorybox listing is among one of the main feature of Directorybox theme. you can customize single listing page of your site from here.

follow the path: Dashboard / Listings / Edit listing.

navigate to the bottom of the page where you see Listings options.


Listing type: Select the listing type to be assigned to relative listing

Ad Price Option
: Select the ad price options

Listing categories
: Add the listing categories

Select Tags:
 select the tags for  you lroperty

Custom Fields
-Select the values for the custom fields you added in the Listing type options.

Opening Hours
-Select the opening for your listings

Off Days
-Add Off Days of your choice

Images Gallery
-Add Gallery images for your listing

File Attachment
-You can add any pdf or doc attachment to your listing here.

Design Sketches
-Here you can add any sketch related to your listing

Listing Video
-If you want to add any video link for your listing, you can use this option

360° Virtual Tour
-You can add 3D-images of your listing here

Locations Settings
-In this option you can Location to your listing like country, state, city etc.

Find On Map
-This option can be used to add map location of your listing.

Package Info

Transaction ID: Assign transaction ID against your listing here
Posted On: Ad the posted date for you listing
Expired On: The date after which your listing will no longer visible on front end.
Packages: Select any package for the listing
Status: Set the status of listing
No. of Pictures: set the max no. of pictures for your listing
No. of Documents: set the max no. of documents that can be attached to the listing
No. of tags:  Set no of tags for your listing here
Listing video:  you can Turn ON/Off listing video from this option

Detail Page Settings

Visibility: Select the visibility for your ad here. If you set it to “Private”, listing will not be visible on frontend.
Listing sold: If you set it to “yes” listing will be shown along with the listing on frontend.
Select Member: Select the Company with which you want to associate listing
Select User: Select the User of the company with which you want to associate listing.