Error message ‘An Error occurred, please try again’ while posting listing. How to fix?

656 views December 7, 2017 July 24, 2018 Chimp 0

This article will explain why an Error message ‘An Error occurred, please try again’ while posting listing. How to fix Directory box Theme.

Sometimes, when you create user from backend and forgot to assisgn “Directory box Member” user role, you will face the error “An Error occurred, please try again” while posting listing.

Follow these steps to overcome this issue

1-Navigate to user section in dashboard

Dashboard / Users / All Users

2-Edit the user and change the user role to “Directory box Member”

3-Also assign a company to the user

* you can add companies to your site from

Dashboard / Wp DB / Members

* if you create user from frontend you will not face above error as company will be automatically created and assigned to the user.