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What are Jobs & CV packages

2106 views November 1, 2023 November 23, 2023 Chimp 0

In this article, we will learn about Job and CV packages and to configure the options available with these package. 1- Job Package: As the name suggest, these packages are required for adding jobs, like if a website admin want to charge their employer for posting a job, they can configure these packages. It have following options for admin to configure 1- Package title 2- Price 3- Package Type ( Single Submission, Subscription ) 4- No of Listings in package ( this option only valid for Subscription package type ) 5- Package Expiry ( When package will expire ) 6- Listing Expiry ( When Job Posted under this package will expire ) 7- Package Featured ( If this package offers Featured ad posting or not ) 8- Description

After adding these information, add package to list and the same package will show in the list while posting a job. Lets move to the second part. 2- CV package In the above part of article, we learnt about job package. This part is about CV package. The CV package is an other amazing feature given with Jobcareer theme which enables admins to generate revenue and charge employers for listing / viewing candidates CV’s. Following options can be configured while adding a CV packages; 1- Title 2- Price 3- No of CV’s ( To search / shortlist and view and download ) 4- Package Expiry 5- Description.


A CV package gives employer the option to view resumes (as admin can set default resume / candidate profiles as private) even if they are private for general public. By purchasing this package, employers can shortlist candidates / CV’s ( as candidate is actually a CV ) and View and download their added resume files. That’s all. Hope this have given you some idea how these 2 works. Hit LIKE button if the article was helpful!