How to Add section slider

837 views August 10, 2016 May 26, 2017 Chimp 1

You can add slider on any page section, follow the simple following steps.

  1. Once the sliders are created, navigate to page where you want to add slider as sub header.
  2. Edit the page (where you want to add slider) and Navigate to the CS Page Builder Section.
  3. Edit CS Page Builder Section settings on the left side. As you click the  icon, a pop up window will appear.
  4. Select Background View as Slider from the drop down.
  5. Next, a text field appear under the background view option with label Custom Slider”.
  6. Copy Short code of revolution slider/ slider from slider settings and paste it here in the field called Custom Slider”, save and update the page.

That’s all you need to do to configure section slider. Visit front-end of the website to see all is okay!