How to Find Server requirements for demo install

713 views June 5, 2018 July 23, 2018 Chimp 0

The easiest way  to find current server requirements navigate to : Dashboard / Appearance / Import Demo Data.

Here you can find your all server settings/ plugin requirements.

Before you import any of our available demos, please make sure to check the all server settings/ plugin requirements listed below. All of these are important and will ensure that your demo import goes smoothly. In case something is missing you need to contact your hosting service provider to make sure the server settings for you!

Server requirements for demo install


  1. Minimum PHP Version = 5.5.0 To run this theme properly, mentioned minium PHP version is required.
  2. POST_MAX_SIZE = 256M Sets max size of post data allowed. This setting also affects file upload.
  3. UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE = 256M The maximum size of a file that can be uploaded.
  4. MEMORY_LIMIT = 256M This sets the maximum amount of memory that a script is allowed to allocate.
  5. allow_url_fopen should be enabled in php.iniTo download import data this option is required.


  • CS Foodbakery Framework (This plugin is required as this handles the core functionality of the theme.)
  • Foodbakery Plugin (This plugin is required as this handles the core functionality of the theme.)
  • Revolution Slider  (This plugin is required to import Revolution sliders from demo data.)

To see actual server configurations you can check this by installing WordPress PHPinfo plugin.