How to translate Real Estate theme and Plugin

1409 views February 2, 2017 April 17, 2017 Chimp 0

How to translate Real Estate theme?

To translate theme strings to your language, Login to your site and Navigate:

wp-admin / Plugins / Add New Plugin

In search bar, search for “Loco translate” and you will see the plugin first in the list, open loco-translate:

Select Real Estate theme and click on NEW LANGUAGE under translations(PO) column.

You will be taken to a new page saying “Initialize new translations in Real Estate”

From the drop down, select your language file name and click on “Start translating”.

On next step, you will see translation screen with the name of your language file on top left corner.

Below are two columns, 1 contains Source text where as  column 2 contains its translation (definitely if you have added it).

Select source text you want to translate and under the translation input field, add its translation and click save.

Now change your wp-admin language to your targeted language by going to:

Settings / General / Site Language
select your language and you are done.

How to translate WP Real Estate Manager plugin?

  • Open it on loco-translate page, just below the theme section, there is Plugin:
  • Select Real Estate plugin and click on NEW LANGUAGE under translations(.PO) column.

You will be taken to a new page titled “Initialize new translations in Real Estate”

From the drop down, select your desired language name and click on “Start translating”.

Select source text you want to translate. Under the translation input field, add its translation and click save.